Frequently Asked Questions

Simply click the "login or register" button on the homepage. After signing in with a Google account, click "add kit" where you can drag and drop a marker to the location of your choice. Click on "name location" in the top-left corner and enter the location's name in the prompt. Finally, click "save location" and a confirmation message should appear.

Please send the coordinates to to be reviewed by an admin.

Overdose Prevention and Response in B.C.
Island Health Overdose Prevention and Response
Island Health COVID-19 Overdose Response

Your location information is used to calculate the nearest distance to a naloxone kit, and is not saved anywhere else. Your Google account information is only used to identify you as a logged in user, and your email is saved to our secure, Google-owned Firebase database. Once in the database, your email can only be seen by the few project administrators and it is assigned a unique user ID to allow the site to remember you.
